
Why Dogs Lick, Stare, and Bow: Canine Communication Secrets

Understanding how dogs communicate is like learning a foreign language — one rooted in body language, vocalizations, and nuanced behavior. Dogs are constantly talking, both to each other and to us. Whether it’s the friendly bounce of a play bow or the subtle tension in a stiffened tail, every gesture tells a story. But how well do we truly understand what our dogs are trying to say? In this guide, we’ll explore the fascinating world of dog communication, breaking down their behaviors and uncovering the rich language they use to interact with their own kind and with us. By understanding these cues, we can strengthen our bond with our furry friends and ensure their well-being and happiness.

Dog-to-Dog Communication Cues

Dogs are social animals, hardwired for interaction with their own kind. While they use vocalizations like barking and whining, their most profound language is body language. The way they move, posture, and react to each other speaks volumes. Understanding these cues not only helps dogs navigate their social world but also helps us understand them better. Let’s break down some of the most recognizable forms of dog-to-dog communication.

Play Bow & Puppy Bow

The play bow is a classic gesture almost every dog owner has witnessed. A dog lowers its front half to the ground, rear end elevated, tail wagging. This posture is a loud and clear invitation to play. It signals friendliness and a willingness to engage in harmless fun. The play bow helps prevent misunderstandings during roughhousing, allowing dogs to know it’s all in good fun.

The puppy bow is essentially a softer, more exaggerated version of the play bow often used by younger dogs or more submissive individuals. The movement is clumsier, with legs splaying out awkwardly as if the dog is trying to emphasize, “I’m just a baby, let’s play!” This is often used to defuse tension between an older, more dominant dog and a playful puppy.

Butt Sniffing

While this action may seem intrusive or inappropriate to us, it’s perfectly normal for dogs. Butt sniffing is a greeting ritual, a way for dogs to gather essential information about one another. They can detect age, sex, health status, emotional state, and even what the other dog has recently eaten. This communication is essential for social bonding and establishing relationships. For dog’s it answers the question, How’s your mama and them?”

Tail Position & Movement

The tail is a versatile tool for canine expression. While a wagging tail is commonly associated with friendliness, it’s essential to pay attention to the position and type of wag. A high, stiffly wagging tail can indicate agitation or dominance, while a low, loose wag is a gesture of submission or calmness. A tucked tail indicates fear or anxiety, while a rigid, upright tail could signal aggression or alertness.

Tail cues can also overlap with health concerns. Dogs experiencing pain or illness may hold their tails differently or show reluctance to wag them. If a dog usually has a happy, wagging tail and suddenly seems to hold it stiffly or low, it may be worth considering underlying health issues.

Raised Hackles

Raised hackles, the fur along a dog’s spine standing upright, are often mistaken for a sign of aggression. However, this physiological response, known as piloerection, can also indicate excitement, fear, uncertainty, or intense focus. Dogs might display raised hackles during play or when encountering something new and stimulating. It’s a cue that should be considered alongside other body language signals to gauge the dog’s actual emotional state.

Play Chasing

Play chasing is a joyful activity where one dog initiates a chase, often through a playful nip or darting motion, encouraging the other to follow. The chasing dog may weave, dodge, or suddenly change directions to keep the game exciting. Dogs often take turns being the chaser and the chased, reinforcing the playful nature of the interaction.

Submission Displays

Submission displays are all about diffusing tension and showing non-threatening intent. This can include lowering the body, avoiding direct eye contact, or even rolling onto the back with the belly exposed. The latter gesture is not always an invitation for a belly rub; it’s a sign of trust and surrender meant to signal, “I’m not a threat.”


Mounting is often misunderstood as purely sexual behavior. In reality, it can be a sign of dominance, playfulness, or even anxiety. Dogs may mount one another to assert control, relieve stress, or engage in playful interactions. In social situations, mounting can cause tension, particularly if the mounted dog finds it unwelcome.

Snout Licking & Face Nuzzling

Snout licking between dogs, especially when one dog licks the muzzle of another, is often a sign of submission or deference. It’s commonly observed between puppies and adult dogs but also occurs between adults when one wants to communicate peace or request acceptance.

Face Nuzzling

Face nuzzling, where one dog gently bumps or rubs its face against another, is typically a friendly gesture that can also convey affection or submission. Dogs may nuzzle to calm another dog or to establish a bond.

Does Snout Licking & Face Nuzzling Have the Same Meaning in Human Interactions?
When it comes to interactions between dogs and humans, snout licking and face nuzzling can convey similar meanings of affection, submission, or appeasement. Dogs may lick a human’s face as a gesture of bonding or greeting, particularly if they feel comfortable and secure with the person. For some dogs, it’s also a way to solicit attention or food, a behavior that may have roots in the way puppies lick their mother’s mouth to stimulate feeding. Face nuzzling, while less common with humans, can indicate closeness, affection, and even a form of comforting reassurance. It’s a behavior often seen in dogs that have a strong emotional bond with their human companions, echoing the peaceful, bonding intentions of their interactions with other dogs.

Vocalizations (Growling, Barking, Whining)

Vocalizations are complex and can mean different things depending on context. Growling during play is often accompanied by loose body language and exaggerated movements, indicating that the dog is simply engaging in rough play. Barking can signal excitement, invitation, or warning, depending on the tone and accompanying body language.

Why do dogs whine. Dog nuisance behavior icons. Educational poster. Domestic animal, pet language. Simple icon, sign. Editable vector illustration isolated on white background. Landscape poster

Whining, particularly when combined with submissive postures, can indicate appeasement, stress, or even excitement. Dogs may also whine when trying to get another dog’s attention for play.

Ear Position

Ears are an essential tool for communication. Forward-facing ears indicate interest or alertness, while ears pinned back suggest fear, submission, or discomfort. Some dogs with floppy ears may have less expressive communication through ear position, making other body language cues more critical to observe.

Dog-to-Human Communication Cues

Dogs are remarkably expressive creatures, and while their language may be nonverbal, it is rich and nuanced. Their ability to communicate with humans has evolved over centuries of domestication, creating a unique bond built on observation, interpretation, and response. As we dive into the world of dog-to-human communication cues, we’ll explore what our dogs are truly trying to tell us.

Eye Contact & Staring

A dog’s eyes can speak volumes. When a dog gazes intently at their owner’s face, it can mean many things depending on the context. Often, it’s a sign of affection and trust. Research has shown that mutual gaze between a dog and its human increases oxytocin levels, the “feel-good” hormone, in both. However, if the stare is hard and unblinking, it may be a sign of guarding or discomfort. When combined with stiff posture and a closed mouth, this intense stare can be a warning, particularly if food, toys, or territory are involved.

But then there’s the other kind of stare — the one where a dog gets right up in your face and looks at you as if you hold the secrets of the universe. This intense focus can be a sign of need or concern. Dogs may stare intently at their humans to convey hunger, a desire for attention, or even discomfort. It’s not aggression; it’s their way of saying, “I need something, and I trust you to understand.”

Just as dogs use snout licking and face nuzzling with other dogs as a sign of deference or reassurance, they also use these behaviors with humans. When a dog licks a human’s face, it’s often seen as affection, but it’s also a gesture of appeasement or a request for attention. Puppies lick their mothers’ faces to prompt feeding, and adult dogs may use this gesture to convey friendliness or submission. Face nuzzling, where a dog presses their snout gently against a human’s face or neck, is generally a sign of affection and bonding. It’s also a way dogs seek comfort and connection. When a dog nuzzles you, it’s like they are saying, “I feel safe with you.” However, excessive licking or nuzzling can be a sign of anxiety, particularly

Leaning & Full-Body Contact

Some dogs are notorious for leaning against their owners (the Great Dane Hug). While it may seem like a simple act of affection, it also communicates dependence, trust, and a desire for security. Giant breeds, in particular, often use their weight as a tool of affection. When a dog leans on you, they are choosing to be close, not only for warmth or comfort but also for reassurance.

Full-body contact, like cuddling or draping themselves across your lap, further demonstrates affection and a need for closeness. It’s also an indicator of a dog feeling safe in their environment. Dogs are social animals who crave interaction, and physical touch is one of their primary communication tools.

Pawing & Scratching

When a dog places their paw on you, it’s not just a charming quirk. This behavior often means they are seeking attention or trying to communicate a need. Whether it’s a gentle paw on your lap during dinner or a persistent scratch at your leg, they are trying to draw your focus to them.

This behavior can also be a learned response. If a dog receives attention or food when they paw, they may continue the behavior as a request for those rewards. In some cases, it’s a calming signal they use when feeling anxious, particularly if paired with licking or whining.

Tail Wagging

Tail wagging is one of the most misunderstood communication cues dogs use with humans. While a wagging tail can indicate happiness, the nuances of the wag matter. A loose, full-body wag, often accompanied by a relaxed posture and soft eyes, usually signals friendliness and excitement.

However, a stiff, high tail wag with minimal body movement can indicate tension or agitation. It’s the difference between “I’m happy to see you” and “I’m feeling uncertain, but I’m watching you closely.” Understanding the type of wag can provide valuable insight into your dog’s emotional state.

Barking & Vocalizations

Barking is one of the most direct forms of communication a dog uses with humans. While some breeds are naturally more vocal, the context of barking provides important clues. Alert barking is sharp and repetitive, meant to draw attention to perceived danger or an unfamiliar presence.

Conversely, demand barking is often high-pitched and used to gain attention, whether it’s for play, food, or simply interaction. Whining, growling, and even sighing are all parts of the vocalization repertoire dogs use to express their needs and emotions. Learning to distinguish between these sounds can greatly enhance the human-dog relationship.

The “Request Dance”

Many dog owners are familiar with the “request dance” — a combination of pawing, nudging, whining, and persistent staring. This behavior often appears when a dog is trying to communicate an immediate need, such as going outside, receiving food, or seeking comfort.

When dogs try multiple cues in quick succession, it’s their way of adapting their language to make their intentions as clear as possible. They may start with a gentle paw, then escalate to whining or barking if the desired response isn’t achieved.

Overlapping Behaviors with Health Concerns

It’s crucial to differentiate between communication behaviors and signs of potential health issues. For example, excessive licking of paws may indicate anxiety or boredom, but it can also be a sign of allergies or pain. Similarly, intense staring might be an attempt to communicate hunger or discomfort, but it could also suggest vision problems or cognitive decline.

Recognizing these overlapping behaviors can make all the difference when addressing your dog’s needs effectively. For more insight on these topics, refer to our previous articles on Anxiety and Stress in Giant Breed Dogs.

Behavior That Overlaps with Health Concerns

Dogs are masters of subtlety. Their communication often overlaps with signs of physical discomfort or underlying health issues. The challenge for humans is to distinguish between normal behavioral cues and those indicating a potential medical concern. Understanding these overlaps can be the difference between addressing a simple need for attention or identifying a genuine health problem.

Excessive Licking & Chewing

One of the most common overlapping behaviors is excessive licking or chewing of certain body parts. When a dog obsessively licks their paws, flanks, or joints, it can be easy to dismiss as boredom or a harmless quirk. In some cases, licking may indeed be a coping mechanism for anxiety or stress. Dogs who feel overwhelmed may resort to repetitive behaviors to self-soothe.

However, constant licking or chewing can also signal allergies, pain, or skin infections. Dogs with joint pain may lick the affected area in an attempt to alleviate discomfort, while skin conditions like hot spots or yeast infections can cause relentless irritation. The challenge for owners is to recognize when licking shifts from a comforting behavior to a sign of medical distress.

Scooting & Butt Rubbing

Dogs rubbing their hindquarters on the floor, also known as scooting, is a behavior often met with laughter or embarrassment by their owners. However, scooting is rarely playful. While it may occur occasionally during play or after bathroom time, frequent scooting often indicates a problem.

Anal gland issues are the most common culprit. When a dog’s anal glands become impacted or infected, it causes discomfort, prompting the dog to drag its rear along the ground in an effort to relieve the pressure. Intestinal parasites and skin irritation can also lead to scooting. In some cases, it’s a sign of food allergies causing digestive distress.

Recognizing when this behavior crosses from playful or routine grooming into a genuine health concern is essential for your dog’s well-being.

Vomiting & Dry Heaving

Occasional vomiting isn’t unusual for dogs. They may regurgitate grass, hair, or even food when they’ve eaten too quickly. However, when vomiting becomes frequent or is accompanied by other behavioral changes, it’s a clear signal that something more serious may be at play.

Stress and anxiety can cause digestive upset in dogs, just as it does in humans. Dogs experiencing severe anxiety may vomit due to the impact of adrenaline and other stress hormones on their digestive systems. However, vomiting can also indicate gastrointestinal issues, poisoning, or even life-threatening conditions like bloat, particularly in giant breeds.

It’s crucial to consider both environmental factors and physical symptoms when determining the cause of vomiting.

Panting & Heavy Breathing

Panting is a natural response to heat, exercise, and excitement. But when panting occurs without obvious triggers, it can indicate a deeper issue. Dogs may pant excessively when they are in pain, anxious, or experiencing respiratory difficulties.

Anxiety-induced panting is often accompanied by other stress signals, such as pacing, whining, or avoiding eye contact. However, panting due to pain or illness may be more constant, with no relief even when the dog appears calm. Heart problems, respiratory infections, and heatstroke are all potential causes of heavy or erratic breathing.

Understanding the context of panting is essential to distinguish between behavioral cues and health warnings.

Changes in Appetite & Water Consumption

While it may not seem like a communicative behavior, sudden changes in eating or drinking habits can indicate both emotional and physical distress. Dogs experiencing stress or anxiety may refuse food, while others may eat compulsively as a coping mechanism.

Conversely, increased water consumption can be a behavioral response to stress or an indicator of underlying health issues like diabetes or kidney disease. Watching for patterns and identifying whether changes are related to environment, routine, or health is key.

Aggression & Irritability

Not all behavioral cues are gentle nudges or pleading stares. Sometimes, dogs communicate through sudden displays of aggression or irritability. While behavioral training issues can contribute to these outbursts, pain and illness are also common causes of uncharacteristic aggression.

A dog that growls, snaps, or becomes withdrawn when touched may be trying to protect a painful area. Neurological problems, joint pain, dental issues, and digestive distress can all contribute to seemingly random acts of aggression. Recognizing when aggression is rooted in pain rather than behavioral issues is crucial to providing the proper care.

The Fine Line Between Communication & Distress

Dogs are always communicating. Whether they are leaning against you for comfort or suddenly growling at a gentle touch, they are sending messages that require context and understanding. Behavioral cues that overlap with health concerns demand careful observation and a willingness to look beyond the obvious.

Recognizing these overlapping cues not only strengthens the bond between you and your dog but also ensures that you’re providing the best care possible. For further insight into these overlapping behaviors, refer to our previous articles on Anxiety and Stress in Giant Breed Dogs.

Play Fighting: Understanding Safe Play and Recognizing Danger

Play fighting is a natural and essential part of canine communication. From puppies to adult dogs, rough-and-tumble interactions help them establish social bonds, practice essential skills, and release energy. However, not all play is created equal, and the line between healthy play and real aggression can sometimes blur. Understanding what’s safe and what’s not is crucial for dog owners, especially when large, powerful breeds are involved.

What Is Play Fighting?

Play fighting is a form of social play that mimics the physical actions of a real fight but lacks the intent to cause harm. Dogs engage in play fighting to build social relationships, reinforce pack structure, and improve their coordination and motor skills. It’s a way for them to practice hunting and combat skills in a safe, controlled environment.

Typical behaviors associated with play fighting include:

  • Play Bows: The classic play invitation where a dog lowers its front half while keeping its rear end high in the air. This signal says, “Everything I do next is just for fun.”
  • Puppy Bows: A variation of the play bow, often used by younger dogs to signal eagerness to engage in play.
  • Open Mouths & Soft Biting: Dogs often use their mouths during play, but true play fighting involves inhibited bites that don’t cause pain or injury.
  • Exaggerated Movements: Dogs often appear clumsy and overly dramatic, intentionally making themselves look less coordinated to convey friendliness.
  • Role Reversals: One dog may take turns being the chaser and the chased, or switching between dominance and submission to keep the interaction balanced.

What’s Safe and Normal?

Safe play fighting usually involves:

  • Loose, Wiggly Bodies: Dogs engaging in playful interactions will have relaxed, fluid movements rather than rigid, tense postures.
  • Playful Growling: Growling during play is often lower in pitch and more rhythmic than aggressive growling. It should be consistent with the dog’s overall relaxed body language.
  • Self-Handicapping: This is when one dog intentionally puts itself in a vulnerable position to allow the other dog to “win,” promoting fairness in play.
  • Pauses and Check-Ins: Dogs will naturally pause during play to make sure the other dog is still enjoying the interaction. These breaks are often quick but noticeable.
  • Returning to Neutral: After play ends, dogs should be able to relax around each other without tension or continued aggression.

When Play Turns Dangerous

The key to understanding when play fighting has escalated to a real fight is recognizing the shift from playful energy to genuine aggression. Warning signs include:

  • Prolonged Staring and Stiffness: If one dog suddenly becomes rigid and focused, it’s often a precursor to a serious fight.
  • Escalating Growling: Growling that becomes deeper, continuous, and paired with stiff body language is a sign of aggression rather than play.
  • Pinned Ears & Raised Hackles: While hackles can sometimes rise during excitement, if combined with other aggressive signals, it’s a red flag.
  • No Breaks or Check-Ins: When play becomes one-sided, and one dog is overwhelmed or trying to escape without success, it’s time to intervene.
  • Injurious Biting: If dogs start to bite with the intent to harm, causing pain or drawing blood, the interaction is no longer playful.

This sudden change from playful interaction to aggressive behavior can be due to overstimulation, frustration, resource guarding, or even a misinterpretation of signals between dogs.

How to Safely Interrupt Play Fighting If It Escalates

Interrupting play fighting that’s turning dangerous requires calm, clear intervention. Never attempt to separate fighting dogs with your hands, as this can lead to injury. Instead, try these techniques:

  1. Loud Noise Distraction: Clapping your hands, using a whistle, or shaking a can of coins can momentarily break the dogs’ focus on each other.
  2. Leash Pull: If both dogs are on leashes, gently but firmly guide them apart while keeping control of the situation.
  3. Barrier Placement: Using an object like a piece of plywood or even a large cushion can separate dogs safely without putting yourself in harm’s way.
  4. Verbal Command: If your dog is well-trained, using a strong, confident command like “Leave it!” or “Enough!” may break their concentration and end the fight.
  5. Redirect Their Attention: Tossing a toy or treat to redirect their focus can be effective if the interaction hasn’t escalated too far.

Once the dogs are separated, it’s essential to allow them to calm down completely before reintroducing them. Providing a cooling-off period reduces the likelihood of the conflict reigniting.

When to Seek Professional Help

If a dog’s play fighting frequently escalates to aggression, or if they show signs of stress during social interactions, it’s worth consulting with a professional trainer or animal behaviorist. Understanding the root cause of the aggression can prevent future conflicts and ensure safer playtime.

Dogs are expressive creatures with a language all their own. From playful interactions to warnings of discomfort, their body language speaks volumes if we only know how to listen. By paying attention to their signals — whether it’s a joyful wag, a concerned glance, or a gentle nuzzle — we can respond appropriately and build a deeper, more meaningful connection with our canine companions. Understanding their communication isn’t just about keeping them safe and happy; it’s about building a bridge of empathy and trust. Now that you’ve learned the fundamentals, let’s put your knowledge to the test!

How Well Do You Understand Your Dog

Think you can read your dog’s body language? Take this quiz to find out how well you understand what dogs are trying to say to us and each other. Then, try your hand at the bonus round!

1 / 15

What does it generally mean when a dog gives you a hard, unblinking stare?

2 / 15

A dog licking your face can mean:

3 / 15

When a dog offers a “Paw Raise,” it is usually indicating:

4 / 15

A dog’s tail tucked between their legs most commonly signals:

5 / 15

Intense eye contact paired with a relaxed body usually means:

6 / 15

A dog making direct eye contact with you while performing a trained command usually means:

7 / 15

If a dog is constantly licking a specific part of their body, it can be a sign of:

8 / 15

Snout licking directed at a human often means:

9 / 15

Rolling over and exposing their belly signifies:

10 / 15

A dog nudging you gently with their nose generally means:

11 / 15

🐾 What behavior often escalates play fighting to a real fight?

12 / 15

🐾 Raised hackles on a dog usually suggest:

13 / 15

🐾 Tail wagging high and stiff can indicate:

14 / 15

🐾 Butt sniffing between dogs generally indicates:

15 / 15

🐾 What does a Play Bow signal to another dog?


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